The 8th Grade & HS Band Concert originally scheduled for tonight has been rescheduled due to the Girls BB tournament game. New concert date is Thursday, 2/27 @ 7:00 PM.

Due to a scheduling conflict, the 8th graders will NOT be visiting Ohio Hi Point tomorrow. We will reschedule for a later date.

Makey Makey with Mr. Cantrell and crew today! Banana bongos!

Makey Makey with Mr. Cantrell and crew today! Banana bongos!

Little Caesar's Pizza Kit pickup is Wednesday, February 12th from 5-7PM in Mr. Marsh's room. Please make sure you stop by to pickup your kits!

Hannah Dingledine getting recognized tonight for her 1st place, 8th grade DAR essay!! Other winners include: Addie DeLong, 2nd place for 8th grade; and Darby Ayars, 2nd place for 7th grade!

A couple of pics from a JAM-PACKED band concert the other night! Standing room only, so my pics are from the side! Love seeing all the different talents of our kids!

A couple more of the 7th in action! On to the next round!

Way to work boys!!! Quarterfinals victory!

Hard fought game, didn’t end how we’d hoped. Super proud of these girls!

Almost gametime!! Good luck girls!!


Some youth basketball action today! Love seeing kids involved! Thanks to our volunteers who offer up their time to share this experience with our kiddos!

Way to go girls! First round OHC victory! 🙌🏻

Getting ready!! 1st OHC tourney game today @ 11:30!

Our T.R.I.B.E. winners for the week! (Thoughtful-Respectful-Innovative-Brave-Empathetic). You make a difference! #KnowOurWhy

Super proud of our writers!! This group earned a chance to meet and eat lunch with author Michelle Houts next Friday! (not pictured, Devona Burger)

Hustle, scrap, fight, win! Way to go 8th grade!

Keep working girls! Get better every time out and play with heart!

I had an opportunity to hang out with Mrs. DeLong’s class today analyzing myths!! I need some work.....