With us distance learning and not together since March 12, we haven’t been able to properly congratulate and celebrate our Hannah Dingledine who WON the state American History Award for 8th grade! She would have been recognized at the state DAR meeting on March 28 in Columbus. We are so proud of you!!

A little birdie shared how awesome Nikole has been in helping her little sis get on a Zoom call and work through some online content! Way to continue modeling TRIBE qualities Nikole!

A few more masks!

Check out some of these masks made by MS students!

Student Athletes in Grades 6-11, if you have not completed the Fall Athletic Survey please take a minute to do so. This takes that place of our normal recruiting mtgs.

Join in on our "Virtual" Spirit Week during the week of 4/20-4/24. Post a picture & tag us on Facebook & Twitter.

Good morning! Reminder for Mr. Magyar’s art students: please swing by the HS office to pick up materials and folder today, 4/7.
Thank you!

Due to Governor DeWine's extended school closure until May 1st, please look for updates from Superintendent Prohaska later today. She will send out a OneCall email with more information as well as post to our social media accounts.

Music Boosters Annual Flea Market is coming soon! Check it out!

Tickets are still available for this weekend's musical, Once Upon A Mattress. Purchase your tickets at https://www.onthestage.com/show/mechanicsburg-high-school/once-upon-a-mattress-16879

Enjoyed our 8th grade band last night! Looking forward to May’s concert as well!

FFA Week!!!

Super proud of our boys! MS placed 4th and HS was 1st in the OHC!

Good luck today to our wrestlers in the OHC Championship, 10am @ West Jeff! Let that hard work and grind show! 🙌🏻

If you have any of the old Box Tops for Education laying around that aren't expired, please send them into the MS office. We will be mailing in a submission by March 2nd to earn money for the middle school!

Do you have dresses laying around and have nothing to do with them? Drop them off at the High School office for our Prom Boutique! Contact Ashley Casey for more info. caseya@mcburg.org

It’s Der Dutchman donut day!! Celebrating our Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance students. Keep that commitment!

It’s Der Dutchman donut day!! Celebrating our Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance students. Keep that commitment!

It’s Der Dutchman donut day!! Celebrating our Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance students. Keep that commitment!

It’s Der Dutchman donut day!! Celebrating our Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance students. Keep that commitment!