It is amazing to see how fluidly first grade students can use a computer! Fall MAP testing is already half done!

Proud 2 say 1LT Magyar is representing McBurg and OH w his service to our country. Putting his skills as an art teacher to good use!

Learning is off to a great start!

KDG and 1st gr Ts learning and laughing together! #CrowdEd17 @McBurg_DWE @a_gaffga @KellyWeberk @marsha12584360

No School on Friday, 9/1 and Monday, 9/4.

Reminder for Seniors - Meningococcal Shot by Sept. 15th. Please be sure to bring shot records to your building secretary.

We have a new website, please be patient as we train our staff on how to use it and up the content for everyone. More information to come!