Apptegy Alert System Is Live!

Apptegy Alerts

Beginning 7/22/24 Mechanicsburg Exempted Village Schools sunsetted the One Call Now notification system and began using a new Apptegy Alerts Notification system. Messages from the Apptegy Alerts system may be sent using the following methods:

Message Types

Phone Calls

  • Phone calls will come from the phone number 501-712-2633 (it is an Arkansas number)

  • You are encouraged to add the alert phone number as a contact on your cell phone

Text Messages

  • Text messages will come from the number 98900

  • You are encouraged to add this number to the same contact as above.  Otherwise these text messages may be categorized as junk from an unknown contact

  • The first message you receive will include the “Welcome to Messaging for Mechanicsburg by Apptegy”.  

  • Subsequent messages will only include the McBurg Message content.

Email Messages

  • Email messages will come from the email via

  • Confirm that these emails don’t go to your Spam folder

  • The subject and content of the email can be varied and there may/ may not be an attachment (just like with One Call Now)

Please note that just like with the One Call Now system, not all alerts will be sent using ALL methods. The method used will be determined by the person sending the alert and the message content.

Contact Information

Contact information for the Apptegy Alert system is being pulled directly from the student information system. Please make sure that the information you have in Final Forms is up-to-date so that we have the best contact information on file to reach you.

Sample text message pic of Apptegy notification

Sample picture of email notification from Apptegy