OHC CHAMPS!! Way to go girls! 35-16 #Repeat 🙌🏻

Burg girls lead at the half! Keep it up, get it done! OHC Championship!

Little Caesars Pizza orders are sorted and ready to be picked up. You may enter through the MS doors and go to Mr. Marsh's room to pick up your fundraiser orders. Please have your orders picked up no later than 6:30.

A few more….

Some more wrestling!

Enjoyed watching wrestling today! Hard to stay out of the way and get good pics, but snagged some action shots. Proud to be an Indian!

Forgot to post these ladies after their 7th and 8th grade wins over Triad on Thursday. They start tournament play on Monday at home ~ 7th girls @ 5pm, 8th @ 6pm.

Little Caesars Pizza pick-up, FEBRUARY 10, 5:30-7pm. Park in the “U” and enter through middle school doors.

Be sure to check out Measures That Matter, the 2021 Mechanicsburg annual report, to see all the great things our students have been involved in over the past year.

Check out our own Mr. Moore in the Spfd News-Sun! And he loves Sour Patch kids too! 🙌🏻

Also saw our 6th girls Hoops in action! What a hard working crew!

6th Hoops! Way to work! 💜🙌🏻

Prosecution and defense teams at work…..selection of jurors! Argumentative claims and reasoning and so much more wrapped in today’s lesson in Mr. Moore’s ELA!

Fun games last night, guys played hard! Tough loss for the 7th and great win for the 8th vs Northeastern! Our cheer squad shared their dance at half! Proud of all of them! 💜

SOLE presentations in 8th ELA on the Holocaust. SUPER proud of every students’ share.

SOLE presentations in 8th ELA on the Holocaust. SUPER proud of every students’ share.

Fortunate enough to spend my morning in 8th ELA listening to student presentations on WWII, Holocaust, and how impacting today’s society/decisions. Impressed with the thoughtful reflections and connections. Wow….

Fortunate enough to spend my morning in 8th ELA listening to student presentations on WWII, Holocaust, and how impacting today’s society/decisions. Impressed with the thoughtful reflections and connections. Wow….

Great game 8th grade girls! Tough loss by one, but effort top notch. 💜