Dates for summer. Please don’t hesitate to share this with others.

Our 4th-8th learning about the dangers of social media and online activity. Thank Special Agent Rodriguez for talking with us this morning!

6th Grade Crew!! #Kirkmont2018 #KnowOurWhy

Enjoying Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance ice cream treats!! Thank you Darcy Ollinger! Proud of our kids!! #KnowOurWhy

Enjoying Honor Roll and Perfect Attendance ice cream treats!! Thank you Darcy Ollinger! Proud of our kids!! #KnowOurWhy

Best wishes for Miss Katlynn Dunlap! She used parts of her going away poster made by our kids for her graduation cap! We will miss you!

Volleyball, XC, and club soccer sign-ups for 18.19 in MS office! Reminder: must have a physical to participate in school sponsored sports.

Club soccer for 2018-2019

6th grade parents: the students will return from Kirkmont around 4:45-5:00pm!!

Great night of music and sharing how they’ve grown! Well done 5th, 6th, and 7th grade! #KnowOurWhy

Great night of music and sharing how they’ve grown! Well done 5th, 6th, and 7th grade! #KnowOurWhy

7th graders lending a hand to help our 4th graders with Wax Museum reports!Hope to see you visit our 4th grade Wax Museum on Friday, May 18!

Urbana Girls Club Soccer info. (Ages 7-15)

PayForIt transitioned to PaySchools Central on 5/1. Find more information at the following link. https://mailchi.mp/0f2229e63676/payforit-to-payschools-central-transition-april-206899?e=27a2bfe6da

8th grade parents - Finished dinner and back on road. ETA is 11pm!!! See you soon!

A great last day-Monuments and the Holocaust Museum. Our kids received so many compliments from volunteers and other visitors.Very proud!!

A great last day-Monuments and the Holocaust Museum. Our kids received so many compliments from volunteers and other visitors.Very proud!!

A great last day-Monuments and the Holocaust Museum. Our kids received so many compliments from volunteers and other visitors.Very proud!!

A great last day-Monuments and the Holocaust Museum. Our kids received so many compliments from volunteers and other visitors.Very proud!!

United by our differences! Happy Friday all!