Character: the way someone thinks, feels, and behaves (even when no one is watching). These six students were nominated by teachers for demonstrating positive character traits in the classroom! Be on the lookout for more of our students rocking it! #KnowOurWhy

For 6th and 8th grade parents!

Thank you UU and Shana Loveless for bringing Mike Mongo to our students to share his message about being intentional and surrounding yourself with people who support your goals. So many opportunities for careers in space! Dream big! #KnowOurWhy

A little behind in posting this, but I was able to enjoy some of our 7th graders demonstrating their “freeze frames” of a Percy Jackson novel. Unique way to show understanding of character, plot, and setting. #KnowOurWhy

Pics from 8th grade “scavenger hunt” to practice exponent rules with Mrs. Jones! #KnowOurWhy

Don’t forget to call and schedule Parent/Teacher conferences this week! Ms. Warfield is ready to help you at extension 1200.
10/2 - 4-7:15pn
10/3 - 3:30-7pm

Mr. Cantrell or Mr. Roboto? 🤖🕹 #KnowOurWhy

Mr. Cantrell or Mr. Roboto? 🤖🕹 #KnowOurWhy

Bonus of covering class for a few minutes: hearing of soldiers’ journeys during the war. Very descriptive! #KnowOurWhy

More Colonial pics from Mr. Marsh’s class!! #KnowOurWhy

More Colonial pics from Mr. Marsh’s class!! #KnowOurWhy

A walk through Colonial times! Well done!! #KnowOurWhy

Check it out!

As Britney Spears says “they did it again”! Congratulations to our boys for finishing 2nd in the Triad XC Invitational!! #KnowOurWhy

Happy Fall!!!
Our parent-teacher conferences are coming up on October 2 and October 3. Please call the middle school office at extension 1200 to schedule your appointment today!

Check out these fellas!! They brought home ANOTHER trophy! Congratulations on 2nd place at the Graham Invite! #KnowOurWhy

Mrs. Conley’s kids using google earth to help see locations of plate boundaries-
Plate Tectonics, Features Lab!

I was fortunate enough to spend my lunch last Friday with some of my peeps! These students were drawn from those that attended our new orientation. What a cool crew! #KnowOurWhy

If you are looking for something to do tomorrow night, head to Urbana University!!

What a beautiful day! Another opportunity to be awesome! #KnowOurWhy