Studying the water cycle, ready for their test in Mrs. Conley’s this morning! #KnowOurWhy

THIS.IS.JEOPARDY!! Figurative language jeopardy with Mrs. Hoellrich and Mrs. Harvey today! (They beat me!) #KnowOurWhy

Focus!! The word I would use for this morning’s Algebra group! Working so hard on solving systems by substitution, I didn’t want to interrupt! #KnowOurWhy

Working on “sassy sentences” with Mrs. Groves and her 2nd block kiddos! Excited to read their HALLOWEEN stories!

Loops and sequencing with Mr. Cantrell!

Working on systems of equations escape room with Mrs. Jones!

AWESOME girls!! 🙌🏻💜💛

WOOHOO!! 🙌🏻 Boys results!

Little grammar practice and comparing text with Mrs. DeLong’s crew!

Working with integers in 6th math with some cool kids!

Some Monster Math with equations!

Who are those masked men! Thanks for helping at the annual William B. Saxbe Invitational on this beautiful morning!! 🙌🏻

Some more of the boys! 💛💜

Our boys battling for PR’s and Placings! 💛💜

More girls XC!

Way to go girls!! Dynamic Duo took first and third! Proud of all the girls!

First race, ms girls, just got rolling! Come see us! K Concessions here too! 💜💛

A few more from the 8th game tonight!

8th lost time Fairbanks in 3, but some great hustle and volleys! Keep grinding!

A couple more from 7th play!